Reposition wellbeing to maximise children’s learning
Primary Resources
The ICE Pack - Knowing Me, Knowing You
In over 600 schools in Scotland across 29 of our 32 local authorities. 3000 staff trained.
Two schools applied to the Scottish Learning Festival in 2017 to deliver a seminar about the impact the resource had in their school and how it supported the Girfec agenda.
One school delivered a workshop led by 4 pupils at the Nurture UK Conference in 2018 to showcase how the resource impacted on their school and supported the GIRFEC agenda.
“At Longniddry Primary School it is our vision to create a respectful community where everyone can contribute, achieve and be proud. Our values promote positive social and emotional development, and this is where the implementation of the ICE Pack has been crucial in creating a culture that is committed to children's rights and positive relationships. As stated in HGIOS 4 learners need to be included, engaged and involved in the life of the school. They need to know that their views are sought, valued and acted upon. Our pupil voice group play a pivotal role in ensuring that this is a top priority in our school with the lessons from 'Knowing Me, Knowing You' lying at the centre. We look forward to sharing our journey with you and all the exciting and endless possibilities that this programme can bring.”
DHT Longniddry
“The Knowing Me, Knowing You resource gives us a progressive set of lessons to deliver aspects of HWB curriculum (mental and emotional wellbeing, social wellbeing). Health & Wellbeing was previously strong within the school, although very much relied on class teachers sourcing activities, and preparing lesson plans and resources. The introduction of this resource reduces teacher workload and ensures progression. The same themes feature from P1-P7 and lesson plans are well laid out with photocopiable or digital evidence sheets available to support delivery. Lessons and activities allow for HWB to be taught discretely or as part of inter-disciplinary learning.”
DHT St Cuthbert’s PS
“Excellent layout and links to nurture, CfE, HWB and UNCRC”
“Great resource – very clear programme to assess progression throughout whole school and to ensure different focus points at different stages. Very clear pack with useful ideas”
“A hugely informative stimulating session – I am looking forward to using this within our school and the resources – supporting documents and digital resources are excellent – thank you”
“Excellent resource – lots of hard work preparing pack – very useful for teachers and positive impact for pupils – thank you”
“Good resource well laid out and love clear progression – activities look like they can be easily adapted/linked to other curricular areas – presentation very clear and concise – thank you”
“Think it is an excellent resource, which you can add to and adapt to fit in with your own children”
Comments from CT following CPD Session