Reposition wellbeing to maximise children’s learning
School Improvement – CLPL
Building capacity, planning for growth through rigorous self-evaluation
Playback Learning Academy has researched, piloted, evaluated and developed school improvement planning resources which are designed to engage key stakeholders, staff, parents and pupils in a rigorous process of self-evaluation leading to improved planning and practice impacting on children’s learning. We have a wide variety of resources and training session that can be tailored to meet individual school requirements.
The broad aims of our self-evaluation resources are to:
familiarise staff with our school improvement resources and how these will support them to work towards achieving excellence
promote and increase staff’s knowledge and understanding of the value of reflection and self-evaluation and to firmly embed these in their working practices and planning for improvement
promote and increase staff’s knowledge and understanding of collegiate working in order to achieve consensus
build relationships and offers opportunities for staff to share or model good practice and improve school reporting, action and improvement planning
utilise the resources to create a more inclusive and healthy school environment which will impact positively on pupils’ future learning and skills development
Our school improvement resources promote a rigorous process of self-evaluation that actively engages and enables educators to reflect on their practice and to identify, measure and record the impact it has on children’s learning. It offers everyone the opportunity to engage in open, honest conversation, fostering positive relationships within a non-threatening, safe environment where views and opinions can be expressed and valued by everyone; it also encourages leadership at every level as staff and pupils volunteer to take on actions for improvement.
CLPL Example Session Overviews
How to Achieve a Healthy and Inclusive School Ethos – improved outcomes and increased attainment are achieved where inclusion, health and wellbeing are promoted as part of an integrated whole-school approach. The session will provide head teachers with an insight into how they can create a healthy and inclusive school ethos and sense of community. The session will demonstrate how this can be achieved through a participatory self-evaluation approach to improve planning and practice. The session will offer a practical framework to engage all key stakeholders in the process of achieving a healthy and inclusive school ethos.
Effective School Improvement Planning – this session will provide new and aspiring head teachers with an insight into the importance of effective and consistent school planning and will emphasise the importance of self-evaluation to lead, promote and sustain school improvement within a framework of current educational, philosophy and legislation.
Review of school improvement planning – this session will be compiled by our specialist consultant and school leaders who will identify the priority areas for development and inform improvement planning by reviewing current priorities and inspection reports.
Moving Towards Transformational Change – this session aims to:
Raise awareness of the schools position from the wider perspective.
Identify aspects of the changing role of school staff.
Identify recurring challenges within the
Consider solution focused strategies towards transformational change in terms of the identified challenges.
The ongoing process of self-evaluation.
Playback’s resources and training opportunities supports school inspection models How Good Is Our School 4 (HGIOS 4) (Scotland 2015) and the Getting it right for every child agenda (Girfec Scotland).
To request pricing options and staff CPD please contact us.